Join the Great Taste Family If you want to market our products, To be a distributor, sign up! We will contact you soon.
Unete a la familia del gran sabor
¡Si deseas comercializar nuestros productos,
ser un distribuidor, regístrate!.
Pronto nos contactaremos contigo.
Somos una compañía dedicada a ofrecerte los mejores y más auténticos productos centroamericanos, acercándote a los sabores de tu tierra cada vez que te sientas a la mesa.
In QUESOS LA RICURA entendemos el valor de compartir en familia, por eso te ofrecemos ideas para disfrutar al máximo los momentos especiales alrededor de la mesa.

our history
This story begins when two sisters (Ester Pacheco and Noris Cruz) arrive in New York, after having migrated from El Salvador….
Our commitment is to give you quality and freshness day by day
Encuentra tus productos favoritos
Descubre la ricura de los nuevos sabores que hemos creado especialmente para ti. En esta sección, encontrarás nuestros productos más recientes.
¡Sé el primero en probarlos y experimentar esta deliciosa ricura!"
Our locations
You can find authentic Central American products in the United States.
We make it easy for you to have your favorite products close to home.
Our Plants and Production Centers
Hicksville plant
of production
225 park ave Hicksville
NY 11801
516 932 5756 FIJO
516 932 5784 FAX
Farmingdale NY Production and storage facility
105 bi county boulevard
NY 11735
Farmingdale NY
631 773 6439 FIJO
631 773 6438 FAX
New Brentwood Distribution Center
151 Alkier st Brentwood
NY 11717
TEL: (631) 707 0410
FAX: (631) 296 9361
Momentos llenos de ricura

New products
In La Ricura Foods we want to innovate every day to provide you with the best products and that you always have the best options to include in your family's diet.

In the Ricura Foods we work constantly so that you can discover the sweetness of life

At La Ricura Foods, we would love to see all those moments that fill you with happiness, share your best moments with us

To share
In La Ricura Foods we want to surprise you every day with the recipes we have for you. Get to know them here!

Energy in your day to day
In the Ricura Foods We know how important it is for you that your family has all the energy to face the challenges of your day to day.

Remember your land
We help preserve your traditions, here you can see the most emblematic places and foods of your country by departments.
Quality Tradition and Freshness.
Lo que nos hace hispanos es conservar nuestras tradiciones, en QUESOS LA RICURA estamos comprometidos con esto, por esta razón desde 1990 hemos querido llevarte lo mas tradicional de tu tierra a tu mesa

Endless Layouts
Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan.

Take control
Fully Compatible
Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas puru.

Drag & Drop
Build Anything
Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra.
Quality Tradition and Freshness.