Legs with Chapin-style vinaigrette


Las Legs with Vinaigrette forman parte de los platillos que guardan un tradicional Guatemalan flavor. In fact, it is the vegetables and the vinegar that give it the special touch. In addition, it is a food that can be tasted at stalls in markets and fairs.

Is a easy recipe to prepare, so we share with you its ingredients and the way of preparation.

Ingredients of the legs with vinaigrette

  • ½ cup of vinegar.
  • 4 patitas de cerdo cortadas en 4 pedazos.
  • Enough water.
  • 1 onion cut into 4 pieces.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 1 cabbage passed by boiling water.
  • 2-3 cooked carrots and in strips.
  • ½ lb. diced cooked potato.
  • ½ lb. of green beans cooked and in strips.
  • 10-12 pickled onions.
  • ½ lb. of cooked peas.
  • ½ cup of olive oil.
  • 1-2 thyme sprigs
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. First, cook the legs in water with salt, onion and bay leaves.
  2. When they are cooked, cut them into small pieces.
  3. Then, combine all the vegetables and bathe them very well with the vinegar and olive oil.
  4. Add this to the legs while they are warm and let them tan for at least 12 hours.

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