Tacos Tijuana


The tacosThey are one of the most representative dishes of Mexican cuisine. So much so that it is commonly said that everything that can be put inside a tortilla is considered a taco. They are normally found all over the country, although in each region they bring a different touch of flavor and have their own taco recipes.

In the state of Tijuana there is a very famous and delicious taco that basically consists of a corn tortilla rolled into a cone shape and stuffed with roast beef and avocado. This presentation characterizes it and differentiates it from the rest of Mexican tacos. 


½ kilogram of cubed beef

 ½ onion, chopped

 1 sprig of chopped coriander

 8 corn tortillas

 2 avocados

 2 green serrano peppers

 8 green tomatoes

 1 cup whole milk

 1 teaspoon salt

 1 teaspoon of pepper

 1 clove garlic

 1 teaspoon garlic powder


  1. leave ready the ingredients before starting to prepare the carne asada tacos recipe, this way you can see if you are missing something and cook much faster.
  2. Place the milk in a container and add half of the finely chopped onion, the garlic powder, salt and pepper. Mix to incorporate all the ingredients, introduce la carne y deja que se marine for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Trick: You can marinate the meat overnight if you want, this way it will be juicier and have a much more concentrated flavor.

  • Aparte, pela y lava os tomates y los chiles, colócalos en la licuadora y agrega la cebolla restante, el diente de ajo pelado, una pizca de sal y la pulpa de los aguacates. Tritura los ingredientes hasta obtener una salsa homogénea y resérvala para el momento de servir los tacos de carne asada.
  • Pasado el tiempo de marinado de la carne, calienta una plancha o sartén a fuego medio. Cook the roast beef careful not to burn. You can also roast it on a grill or in the oven.
  • Distribute the meat on the corn tortillas, add a little more chopped onion, cilantro, avocado sauce and voila. Now you can enjoy this incredible rroast beef taco recipe.

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